Sunday, March 23

But if you try sometimes...

I've probably mentioned this before, but it's so important that I'm mentioning it again.
God doesn't always give us what we WANT.
He provides what we NEED.
If He doesn't give us what we want, then it wasn't what we needed.
We have to be accepting of the life He has planned for us.

It's all on your prospective. You have to view things from God's eyes. He's the one that is in control.

Lately, I've been such a huge (like teeny bopper, squealing) fan of The Rolling Stones.
They're song: You can't always get what you want...fits this perfectly.
((but if you try sometimes, you might find.. you get what you need.))<<--- lyrics

Seriously --- perspective. It just take a little extra effort & prayers.

**examples.. Yes, they're from personal experience.. No, they weren't easy but.. I survived.**

Ok, say: you break up w/ a boyfriend or girlfriend.. Yes, it hurts. Yes, you're probably going to cry.. But if God has provided this break and you truly care for the other person then PRAY. Pray for God to bring to both your lives what HE wants you to have. If you are praying for them to return to you, that's selfish.  No kidding. Think about it. If you truly love them, you need to pray for God to bless and  guide them. God doesn't want us to live unhappily. He wants us to prosper and serve Him with a JOYFUL heart.  He won't allow a relationship to fail that He's blessed.
**plenty of scriptures to back that up**

Still need some more examples?? ok..
I have heard over this week several comments about my "needs"...
"April, you need a car." -- heard it at least 20 times this week..
Do I really need a car??? I live about a 2 1/2 mile walk from my parents, a block from work, a block from the store, a block / two from the schools. Nope.. I don't need a car. If I do need one, God will provide it. Period. An opportunity will be provided that I can't resist.

"April, you need a good man in your life." -- heard it almost everyday this week.
Do I really??? I don't think so!!!  I have several good men in my life. Let's start with #1: Jesus. Yup. Can't go wrong w/ putting my trust in Him. #2 & 3 : my dad & my son #4&5: my grandfathers & #6- is a a group of good friends/co-workers/pastors that are good male friends.
Nope.. I really don't need that.. I've got it already & am grateful for it! ! Thank you Jesus. Sure, it's not what they meant, but it applies. Why should I worry, fret or stress about being in a relationship w/ someone if I have plenty of men in my life

"April, you need more money." - - sometimes I tell myself this...
One could always use more money. This is a fact that I've learned to accept. I have enough to pay the regular bills, put food on the table, and sometimes a few 'fun' things. I have enough. No, I don't have enough for a car payment or car insurance. No, I don't have enough for a vacation. No, I don't have enough for a flat screen tv or some other fancy technologies.
I have what we need. I'll continue to work hard & do my best until God provides a clear picture of any change. Just because I may want a few things.. doesn't mean I really need them.

You see.. You can't always get what you want..
But if you try sometimes - You might find - You get what you need.
Thanks be to God for His mercy, grace, and wisdom!!
Enjoy your Sunday.