Thursday, February 6

I declare...

sorry - I declare "bullsh**"

Ladies, let's STOP fooling ourselves. 95% of the "nice, decent" men in our lives are ALREADY married or gay and thus - unobtainable. Let's just STOP with this CONSTANT bombardment of romantic dribble that in the grand scheme of things only sets and UNREALISTIC view of love! Nicholas Sparks is a perfect example. Seriously? ! (The Notebook) Do you know any man willing to write a letter EVERY DAY for a year? MOST men don't like to return text messages, let alone write an actual letter.  That is REAL LIFE!!  Those stories are FICTION! hello?! entertainment?! yeah.. those people get PAID to act these stories out. They are not ACTUALLY like that. I mean, come on!!! Let's get a little smarter here ladies.. We didn't come all this way from the stay-at-home baking all day slave days to fall victim to this garbage all over again.

So what?! if we never fall in love again?!!!! SO WHAT ?!!! is that going to make me any less of a person?! Any less of a mother or loyal employee?  I'm sorry. . but I just don't see the point in "hoping" for something that REALISTICALLY may never happen. It changes NOTHING. Oh sure, you may feel some warm fuzzies for a little while. Go a few years .. see where those warm fuzzies are then.. have a few failed attempts that nearly ruin your life.. uh huh.. REALITY!!

Once you've got yourself established, if a man comes along - so be it - awesome for you ! KEEP TRUE TO YOURSELF and don't let your guard down so much that if he left you'd be RUINED. If no man ever comes along.. SO WHAT! ? at least you know you've been able to take care of yourself. We've GOT to stop!!!! with this "oh I can't make it on my own bull!" It annoys me SOOOO badly (as you can tell) I'm 34- a single mom of 2 teenagers- I work full time - I live on my own - I have attempted marriage 3 times. Guess what ?? divorced 3 times.  Why ?? b/c I was stupid. I chose to be impatient, wrong headed, and rush things that weren't meant to be. WHY??? because of romantic notions in my head that "oh I'm in love" when real love isn't always that euphoric feeling of butterflies and rainbows shooting from your posterior cavity annoying everyone around you - like scratching fingernails on a chalkboard.

Oh yeah? did I mention Valentine's Day is next week ? LOL !! the biggest joke of all the holidays. Why must we have ONE day set aside to honor "love" - - shouldn't that be everyday ? Love ourselves?! love the people around us. . love our families, our children, our communities.. Love what ever faith you have? I mean.. come on!!! I don't need flowers and chocolates and romantic GARBAGE to show love.. How about taking an extra second to help an elderly woman with her groceries? or taking a moment to let someone ahead of you at a street crossing? Aren't these all acts of love?

SERIOUSLY !!!! Let's get real here. Shouldn't we be "in love" with LIFE??!!! Be thankful for the happy moments and learn from the bad ones ?? Give me a break here. 

I'm currently researching where in the Bible that it says that EVERYONE is supposed to find love and be married and live happily ever after *gag*..  So far, I haven't found a single thing!  Oh, I've found the rules / guidelines for being a virtuous wife (Proverbs 31) and there's an entire book of steamy ramblings from a man "in love" - seriously.. you can almost feel the drool dripping from his tongue like a dog. GROSS!  NO WHERE!!! (so far) does it is say that God has ONE single person matched for me and that I'll be granted the opportunity to live 'happily ever after'. I am SO tired of all the questions, the comments, and the stupid internet dribble that is constantly BOMBARDING us - trying to tell us that we NEED someone in our lives to be happy. 

No. No, I don't. If God proves me wrong - so be it. As far as I'm concerned, He needn't worry about it. I'm not. I believe I shouldn't be FORCED to be choked by that stagnant, putrid, revolting desperation of "oh my gosh, I'm so lonely and miserable w/out a man in my life" rotting theory.

I don't fit that mold. AT ALL! In the list of needs.. it's NOT on it ! It's not even on the wants list! ha!
NEEDS: food, water, shelter - basic needs. The rest is luxury.

Think about it. Be smart. Don't fall victim to bullsh**. I'm tired of it. I refuse to be part of it.

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