Tuesday, October 4


Today was a nice, long & busy day at work. I opened the store - so that means I'm there by 7 am. My co-worker came in to run register and I started inventory in the paint department. It's not that bad and I'm almost done! That's so satisfying to know that the department isn't supposed to be done until October 22nd and I'm more than 1/2 way finished with it!!

So, I'm doing inventory and minding my own business.. and in walks in my Amish admirer - you know.. that one that got married a while back but still has a bit of a fancy for me. He still gets talky with me when he gets the chance. I hide... and of course I took a good 'ribbing' from my co-workers on why I was hiding etc..  "you know April, you missed your chance at him."


*whew* he's gone.. ok - - back to work... the rest of the day went pretty quick. I did harbor some interruption from a frequent caller - customer. He asks for me by name. He's not a bad person, but likes to call me hon, sweetie, babe and such.. He called a total of 4 or 5 times for me today. Every time it was for merchandise to be held at the register for him etc etc.. I obliged because that's part of my job. I don't mind it, except I was busy with doing inventory and it was disruptive. So on his last call he asked me if I would be at the register - I said no - they have me doing inventory. ** this part is where I freaked out** "Well, you have my cell phone number, text me a picture of you so I know which girl you are the next time I come in."***


umm.. uh.. er.. eh.. "well, I don't have my cellphone at work because we get in trouble for using them while on the clock. I left it at home."  I don't think he liked that response. "oh come on.. that's BS." well.. needless to say I told him that he was to call before coming in next time and I would introduce myself. That seemed to appease him since he claims that his curiosity was strictly for the purpose of recognizing me so he could thank me for all the effort I'd been doing to help him. *seems normal enough, right?!*


So, I finished my inventory for the day & my co-worker left --- leaving me at the register for the rest of the evening. Not long after I got there a fella came in - buying roof paint and such -- HE WAS MISSING AT LEAST THREE TEETH ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF HIS MOUTH -- nice guy - friendly & polite. We were going thru his transaction and he suddenly stopped and said "wow, you look different from the last time I was in here." ok.. I'll bite.. "how's that? when were you in last?" and he looks at me, you can smell the smoke coming from his ears thinking.. "about a month or so ago. you've lost a lot of weight." *ME: BIG GRIN* "why yes I have, thank you for noticing. 48 lbs to be exact." **I love shocking people with that.** "WOW! that's alot! Good for you!" he said, "what's the hubby think of that?!"


I quickly replied, "oh yea. its great." I DIDN'T LIE TO HIM NOR DID I TELL HIM THE TRUTH. I continued, "I'm not doing it for that reason anyway. This is for me & being healthier."  That seemed to appease him and keep him from pursuing any interest.. with the exception of saying "I sure wish I was younger and I would certainly chase you." *sigh* "ha ha ha Thanks. Have a nice day." is my safe reply.

So, later on - I received a phone call from a customer looking for a certain brand of something. I find the product, the price & ask if he wants me to hold it at the register.. "yes, please" is the reply.. Ok. Later, the customer comes in.. a familiar face. Comes to the register and smiles and says "thank you for holding those for me. that's very sweet of you & I think that's above and beyond." NICE! "you're welcome. it's not a problem." is my reply. "It's the little things that women do that make them desirable" is what he says next.


"That's very nice of you. Honestly, it wasn't any trouble. Thank you. Have a nice evening." is how I thought I thwarted that..  As he waved 'cya later' to me ( a few others at the register area) I noticed his wedding band. MARRIED. I don't know.. but it made me even more uncomfortable about the comment he made.. knowing he was married. *sigh*

Oh yea - - and I don't want to forget the mother / son pair that were in.. first they hit up a co-worker of mine about some velcro - to hang a sign that his sister recently gave to him -- before she was incarcerated.. blah blah blah


Yes! he was in public - openly speaking to a random stranger about his personal family matters. *shakes head* what is that?! So they come up to the register - - after looking at every nook & cranny of the store.. the man leans on my counter (*the mother pays for their things*) and he starts messing with her - trying to make himself look all tough & big etc etc (*TRUST ME! I am allergic to BS and I started sneezing!!!*) So, I'm finishing the transaction and he leans over the counter, winks at me and calls me sweetie. (*GAG*) "I'll be back again, without her (meaning his mother) to interrupt talking to you."


*sigh* what a day. 7am to 7 pm. I don't even know what to say... at one point my boss actually took hold of me and was looking me over for the sign that said "psycho magnet" on it. I don't know where it is.. I'm convinced its tattooed on my forehead in only ink that psycho's can read. I seem to attract a type of man that mistakes my friendliness for flirtation. It happens ALL THE TIME. I am not afraid to talk to people - my customer service skills have been honed over the years to smile! be polite! and the kind of person I am - I am sensitive to heartbreak and feel compassion for mankind (GENERALLY SPEAKING). This combination apparently means (to some people) that it's ok to be disgusting & creepy - talk dirty to me and say super gross things (even though they're married or definitely have no chance with me romantically) and take advantage of my kindness.

Not sure what I'm supposed to take from all of this.. but I know one thing for sure: IT SURE MAKES FOR AN INTERESTING DAY AT WORK!!!!

Monday, October 3

is there a birthday in the house?!

Today - October 3rd, 2011 - marked the 13th birthday of my oldest, Daniel. Thursday night my son insisted I tell him the story how his father & I met and how he was born. I managed to keep it PG-13 and easy for him to understand. He fell asleep that night with new information about his life. I sometimes forget that the kids don't remember that stuff and that I hadn't really told him about that happy time our life.

He woke up Friday am with a new haircut & I spiked it up - he looked so handsome, looking older than 13.. that's for sure.

After school, I ran a few errands - a surprise party was planned for that evening. He didn't know.. or wasn't supposed to know.. I think he knew though.. We arrived late to the party but everything was DELICIOUS and he was surrounded by friends and family that love him. It was fun!!

I had to work all day Saturday & then the kids spent the night. Of course, miss Lily is a little jealous of all the attention being given to Daniel. She didn't quite understand why this birthday was so special. She will when she turns 13 in two years. *geez.. I feel old*

So today was his official birthday.. I thought about him all day long: praying for him, his decisions, and the future. Its hard to believe that 13 years have gone by. I remember the joy I felt when I had him. I remember feeling blessed & a sense of true love and overwhelming feeling of family... That joy & feeling has only intensified with each year. No matter whether it be a good or bad year - and even though I'm a single mom and their father is completely out of the picture - I still feel a deep and sincere sense of family and love.

As I prepare for bed, my mind is flooding with memories of him growing up - I can honestly say that it hasn't felt like 13 years have gone by. I certainly don't feel old enough to have a teenager.. *benefit of having my kids so young*  I hope the next 13 years don't go by as quickly as these have.. I want to cherish every second I still have with my kiddos.

*sigh* my baby boy is growing up.. he's starting to mature into a young man.