Sunday, February 2

Good works

So, it's been nearly a month. I'm not terribly sure what I have to show for that time. Work has been busy. I'm trying to keep ahead of schedule with the inventory deadlines and so far, so good. The kids have a few grades in need of pulling up by next marking period so I've been trying to help press into their brains the importance of getting their work completed on time and accurately. Not the easiest task, since the two teenagers in this house are quite strong willed.. not sure where they get that from?!

So this morning I was reviewing some scripture. Trying to get myself into the Word. I'm tired. I've been feeling sick the past few days. I got a steroid shot & on antibiotics. It's hard to get into the right mind & heart when you're still feeling a little.. down and out. 

I've backslid a little on my daily prayer & scripture reading. Since Christmas it's just been a ... "maintaining" kind of attitude. I'm not lacking faith or doubting God's way. I just haven't - other than the occasional "thank you Jesus" moments been as strict w/ my discipline / routine. I have managed to make time to work out early in the mornings but I'm not making extra time to thank God, pray, or read His word?! what??? *SHAME ON ME!* I plan on changing that. Bible is now back on the night stand. I can read a bit before bed and a bit when I wake up. That should fix that! 

The scripture this morning I found was in James.
James 3:13
"13 Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom."

Maybe I should take a closer look at my conduct. Maybe I should look harder at myself and review whether my conduct has been honorable or not. There's a saying going around on Facebook **paraphrasing here** "you should live your life in a way that if anyone were to say something bad about you - that no one can believe it."  Conduct. What have I been doing ? Am I setting an example that is worthy of God? You see, the past few weeks have been long, busy, and full of work and distraction. What do I have to show for it ? Let me count my blessings.. SEE WHAT GOD HAS DONE.

Well, lets see, I've lost 7 lbs. I'm usually early to work everyday. I'm on time w/ my work deadlines. There's food on the table. The house is warm and clean (for the most part). I've managed to obtain a bed. FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 7 YEARS of living here, I'm sleeping in a real bed. QUEEN size no less ;) You have no idea how awesome it is to retire to a REAL bed at night now. I'm so thankful. PLUS, this spring I get to make a box for underneath - with drawers :) PROJECT!!!! woo hoo!!!
Also, a new piece of workout equipment helps with the routine of things. That was an unexpected surprise! My taxes are already filed and awaiting review with the IRS. I've got some vacation time coming which is froth with plans of CLEANING this house from top / bottom. (*I may need a dumpster LOL*) Plus, my plans (God willing) for this year's goals is still on track / in effect. I haven't waned. I've stood my ground.

Huh... guess even though I haven't noticed - because I've been too busy to notice - God's been even busier taking care of me. All I've really had to do was just... live and listen.
THANK YOU just doesn't seem to be enough. 

Pretty amazing. I still have unanswered questions about things from time to time.. but I'm certain God's got everything under control and He'll reveal what He wants me to know when He wants me to know.
Hm.. pretty awesome. <3


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