Friday, November 15

Attention Getting

There's a never ending list of things & people to pray for these days. Yesterday, I took a little time to chat w/ a customer. Older gentleman. He's 78, recently widowed, and was having trouble w/ his furnace. This is actually an area where I know a little about, thanks to my Dad. :) Anyway, through conversation he told me quite a bit about himself. Told me he was lonely all the time. Told me that he was lost w/out his best friend of 58 years. Also told me that he hoped to fill the void. Told me he has a 60 yr old lady friend that he hopes to be his companion. Even told me they had spent the night together once. "We had fun" he said. He was SERIOUS about it too! *I tried so hard NOT to laugh!!* He ended up remarking, "if you ever need some good lovin, just look me up." *sigh* shaking my head* I did manage to witness to the man. Told him my "philosophy" on being single. He seemed receptive. He did end up hugging & smooching my cheek twice. *sigh* After he left, I sneaked into the office and laughed so hard I thought I was going to wet myself !!! I prayed for him. Prayed for myself. **God knows I've had my ups/downs with relationships. I've never had one that really worked, and yet.. it seems I'm the "go to" for advice and it's almost like people seek me out to talk to me about that stuff. I don't get it. Maybe I've been honed/primed for fielding these kinds of questions/situations. I just don't know. I have a bit of insecurities here and I try not to stress myself out over them.**

Also, yesterday, brought to light was my co-worker who is struggling right now. Poor dear is attempting to have children late in life, with some health issues. Yesterday was a very rough day for her. They told her they couldn't find a heartbeat. *sigh* Being in that situation twice in my life, my heart severely aches for her. I pray that God bring her the definite answers she's crying out for and that her heart be comforted. In this situation, that is pretty much all you can do except be ready to lend an ear if/when she's ready to talk about it. I know everything happens for a reason. There is a reason why my two pregnancies didn't happen. I'm thankful now, but then I was devastated. My days were dark and sad. I feel her pain. I truly do.

I know God works through us like blood passes through our veins. Basically, He carries us from one place or person to another for a reason.. a precise function in that place / persons life. I ran into that interesting fact several times yesterday. I thank God for those moments. I hope that even though my efforts may not seem grand or outwardly that His seeds be watered, His messages get across, and that His work be done.

This morning, I reminded my son before going into school.. You see, he's been struggling w/ getting his work done sometimes. . "And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men." It's Colossians.. 3:23  Anyway.. I reminded him that he needs to do his work as if God's instructed him to do it. It's been on my heart for some time now to tell him that. I know it's high school and it blows chunks terribly for him sometimes but I feel as though he'd understand that God wants us to work hard and do His will. This is why I love my job. Not only can I work for Cole's - - a family business, network, and etc of its own -- but I also get plenty of opportunity to do God's work as well. Believe it or not, I enjoy it! It may not always have those 'happy sunshine, rainbows, and fluffy bunny' days but it's good work and enjoyable to do it. I hope to talk more w/ my son about this later. The walk to school is so short & this morning I wasn't thinking clearly or prepared in anyway.. it just blurted out of me at the last minute. *shaking my head*

I feel God keeps grabbing my attention. I feel like I am being prepared for something bigger. I'm not sure what it is. I still struggle with some of my own personal issues that pop up from time to time. I pray God is in control and allows me to focus on others & the work He needs done in others lives. I know He's working on me. I know He'll get to my issues: one way or another. I still strive to remain joyous, happy, and feeling blessed.

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