Thursday, January 9

God Willing -2014 will be AWESOME!!!

I keep thinking over & over in my head -- this could be the best year ever!
I keep mentally, emotionally preparing myself for the kind of changes 2014 could bring. Physically, I'm back to shaping up. I'm hoping to see a good 2 lbs lost this week & hopefully 5 lbs by next week (just not drinking soda should really help!) Reason for my passion for getting fit? Well, you see 2014 might bring me more opportunity for adventure and outdoors fun/excitement. I really don't want to down a 200+ bear and not be able to drag it out of the woods.  I don't want to say "yes, let's go backpacking" & get winded 1/2 mile on the trail. Know what I mean?! I'm dead serious about this. I may get a little wild/talkative about whims of fancy from time/time but I honestly have the best intentions. I pray God grant me the ambition & determination & discipline it takes. If He brings the interest in me, He'll provide the way. It may be a lot of "preparing for rain" but I'm still going to do it!

I also wonder what else this year will bring? I mean.. Life's brought me so many ups/downs through the years and Thank God He's helped me survive it all. Right now, there's a few small issues with work, the kids, and I still don't have a vehicle. Mom mentioned this nice looking Subaru at Rine's the other day, but I have such a crippling fear of not making car payments that I just couldn't bear to look. Why? In fear I'd get all excited, think I could afford it, and then go through the disappointment of not being able to do any of those things. Income is weak right now. I'm trying to re-coop from Christmas & the winter electric bill - which doubled. Nothing more distressing than owing almost a full paycheck to the utilities company AND still have to pay rent AND buy groceries. *sigh* YAY life! ha ha!

Anyway, I'm not worried. I know God will provide. I'm doing what I can, working my tail off at Cole's, and preparing to do some side work throughout the year to help make ends meet. I plan on Feb/March going through the WHOLE house, the ENTIRE storage shed, AND carport. Sell-able items will be SOLD. Clothing will be washed, piled & sold for $.50 a kitchen trash bag. Anything left over will be donated to a local church, Red Cross, or Thrift store. PERIOD. Time to de-clutter, simplify, and get this 'master plan' in motion. Kids might not be happy about getting rid of some of their toys & books & stuff but I don't care. If I'm to remain in this smaller space - we can't keep accumulating all these things that aren't getting used!

Plus, if I really get good / have time to make pallet furniture & tan hides - I could have some awesome side work that could really help out! I'm so excited!! Plus, if I get as much food as I can from nature: hunting, fishing, & garden growing - the grocery bill should drop drastically. There is something to be said about being more self-sustainable.

Why could 2014 be the best year yet??? Well, it's off to an awesome start. I've got the most awesome God in control of it all, I've got great family, drama has decreased DRAMATICALLY from our lives, and I think as far as friends go - I've got some pretty darn amazing ones! Heck, they are more like extended family to me. No, we don't always get together or get along / agree on things, but we're still there for each other when it counts. 

For me to say, "I'm happy", is an understatement. I'm content & hopeful. I'm determined to make the best out of everything. If my attitude sickens you - I'm sorry. I'll do my best not to be so JOYFUL in your face & pray you find the love, joy, peace & happiness I've found.

Jeremiah 29:11-13
"For I know the plans I have for you" declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."

I know I've used that one before, but it FITS so well with everything. <3 Thank you God <3
You truly are amazing and I hope/pray that I've got Your blessing and never miss an opportunity to do Your will. - Amen.


  1. Love this April -- You are very capable and inspiring to many! Continue to stay positive and you will reach your goals. Go back and re-read this post throughout 2014 and you will no doubt be in charge of your future! You are a wonderful mom and role model for your children. Great Post!!
