Sunday, January 5

Happy New Year !!!!

God has been so good ! I actually have become quite relaxed. I know He's in control and I just keep plugging away. It was rough getting a chance to write over the holidays. So much was going on: at home & at work. Just shy of Christmas we ended up losing our assistant manager.. due to unforeseen circumstances. For a few days, I was just beside myself in disbelief & sadness. I pray for him, his family, and the events to come. Weird/stupid decision = rough consequences. I'm still baffled. Then, of course with inventory needing done, holiday customer traffic, and helping to train two new employees. I was busy. For a few days, I ended up sick w/ the stomach bug. That was awful!! Fever first day, throwing up the next day, and then the scoots the day after that. Y U C K !!! I got rest, drank plenty of fluids, and let it run it's course.  All in all, the holidays went great! Mom made food, Grandma made food, and everyone seemed to be satisfied with their gifts. New Years was fabulous too! Michael's mom made homemade stromboli, we played guitar almost all night, and the kids were tooting their little horns at midnight. New Years day - - I cleaned! I organized! I re-arranged! I made pork & saurkraut (tradition). 
It was awesome! Michael came by with some trout. Those were fileted & frozen. We actually fried those up last night! YUM YUM!!!! I used a new cookbook, my new cast iron skillet, and fried every one of those babies up. Soooo delicious! There's leftovers, which I'm royally excited about!

So far, 2014 has been one of the greatest starts of any year. I've come up with a few "resolutions" for this year. I'm rather excited. So far, so good ! Everything is falling in line according to the way I'm being led. <3 God is so good!! Even when the storm is raging - He takes care of EVERY creature great or small! <3

I know 2014 will bring a lot of adventure, excitement, and hopefully some new skills. I am so happy with life now as it is.. I can't possible want it to change.. but here are a few HOPES or so-called "resolutions" for 2014.
**God grant me the ability to continue to love the life You've provided. Help me to lean not on my own understanding and continue to give You all the credit & glory You deserve. Amen.**

RESOLUTION -1) I plan on fishing as much as possible.
RESOLUTION-2) I plan to construct a portable smoker (of sorts) *like a teepee* over my fire pit.
RESOLUTION-3) I plan on acquiring my hunting license and hopefully do some hunting.
RESOLUTION-4) I plan on attempting the process of tanning hides. **I have my instructions. I've read them over several times. I'll need materials and time.**
RESOLUTION-5) I plan to continue blogging - gathering info & possibly construct a rough combination of what may/may not be a book.
RESOLUTION-6) I plan on getting EVERYTHING out of the crawlspace & my parents storage. Throw away what can't be salvaged AND sell off anything unnecessary. I'm going to break the hoarding cycle! ! **all that money will go into a car fund**
RESOLUTION-7) Own a vehicle by the end of May *would be nice*
RESOLUTION-8) Eat clean, train hard, workout DAILY, and lose 50-60 lbs by the end of May. Then maybe another 30-40 lbs after that.. we'll see.
RESOLUTION-9) Grow a bigger, better garden. Yield & store as much as possible. CUT that grocery bill DOWN! !
RESOLUTION-10) REJOICE in all things. Remain positive & steadfast.

That is all... Call me crazy - but I love this life!!!

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