Tuesday, August 30

32 - the day after...

So - today was my kids' first day back to school. I signed in as a visitor and did a FULL circle of the upstairs & downstairs & did several flights of stairs. I was suprised that I wasn't nearly out of breath as I normally would be. 8^) I am conditioning my body to become a more fit & active person. This is SOO exciting!!! Even more exciting was the kids had a half day & both kids came home w/ a smile on their faces and feeling great about their new classes & teachers, etc.

I had a visitor today  - my friend Sarah. We were supposed to walk, but it didn't happen, except to walk to the school & back. I had a guy come out to the house (*insurance salesman*) that brought 2 of the child safe kits - that I can carry in case of *heaven forbid!* the kids were ever lost, ran away, or abducted. It's basically a description & DNA & fingerprint kit FREE that I fill out etc.. and keep in a safe place. ANYWAY - this guy was semi-cute & super funny! It was a fun & funny part of the afternoon, especially when Sarah & I had him laughing so hard he couldn't hardly make his sales pitch to me for life insurance! LOL

He left & the kids came home from school - - we all got something to eat & Sarah headed home because she's got some allergy/sinus issues going on - and I pray she's feeling better! She's got to work at o'dark thirty tomorrow and that can be such a pain to deal with - - especially when your job is to drive!!!

The rest of the evening has been QUIET! My son left early to head to Boy Scouts & Lily & I enjoyed a few t.v. shows & some snacks etc.. Then she left & I'm left alone. AGAIN. *sigh*

ANYWAY! my friend tonight in her blog expressed her inspiration about me.. when the TRUTH is that she's been an inpiration to me! She's the ultimate stay-at-home Christian mom. She has the best ideas & her blogs have always given me inspiration for my relationship w/ Christ, relationship w/ my family & my children..everything. She's is awesome!!! This is a link to her blog: Life with Lissy

It's just amazing the connections that God has linked me in friendship etc.. with people that are RIGHT for my life and the life HE wants me to lead. I'm super excited that I've gotten a few small workouts in this week and since the kids are going to be in school I can take some lengthy bike rides & really kick it up a notch this week.. AND I still have my free Zumba class to attend--coming soon! which!!! I'm super excited to do w/ my friend at Life w/ Lissy 8^)

I'll be excited for Thursday's weigh in - - hopefully I've dropped those pesky 3 lbs and I can celebrate my 50lbs loss milestone. *cross you fingers* and pray! * It's been tough w/ the cake & other yummy munchies around..
Wish me luck!!!! I've only done small workouts & I've cheated on my diet - - not too bad, but still.. it has an effect.

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