Saturday, September 10

Hmm.. a blog? Ok - I got it!!

Today was a full day at work. I began my day at 7am and did a lot of inventory today. I got to the hardest part -- keys. *ugh* It was tedious, but I got it done. What hindered me the most today was being interrupted by customers. Time was flying by so quickly that my head was nearly spinning.

Around mid-way through my key inventory and I heard a jovial & familiar voice! Jerry.. a semi-regular customer with whom I've shared my weight loss success with every so often. He's co-owner of a company that makes dehydrated fruit snacks for active lifestyles. It is called TRYCHIPS. He gave me his business card some time ago, but I had forgotten all about it. It was good to see him! Today - he came bearing gifts. THREE bags of his dehydrated chips. I was making him a copy of a key when another local customer came by and they started to talking. Somehow, Jerry turned the conversation to me & my weight loss. He said, "You should talk to her about it.. she's lost 37 lbs." and I laughed.. "Jerry, it's up to 47 lbs now. ha ha" and his jaw about hit the floor! I walked over to them and luckily I was wearing pants that I used to completely fill out and I stood there PROUDLY showing how my pants are barely hanging on me anymore and the way my thighs no longer FILL out the jeans. It made me feel good.

I ended up taking a brief break shortly after they left & we had finished up our conversation.. My eyes glanced at the bags Jerry brought for me. Curiosity got the best of me. I opened the bag and my nose filled with a delicious aroma of several different delicious fruit smells. The bag I opened is called the ASPIRE bag, including the fruits: apple, apricot, pineapple, banana, and pomegranate. I started to munch. HOLY CRAP! My mouth filled with the most delicious and refreshing snack I've had in a long time! The best thing about these snacks --  ONLY 100 CALORIES PER BAG!  and they are nearly the size of a MiddlesWarth chip bag! YUM YUM!!! I suggest you check them out for yourself! It's truly amazing! I can't wait to stock up on these yummy LOCAL snacks and include them in my routine diet / workout!

I've recently been in a rut with my diet & exercise. This Thursday's weigh in was a gain of 2.5 lbs. I've been in 'fasting mode' since drinking a lot of water to shed the water weight. I haven't done a lengthy workout in almost a week. The rain dampened my bike rides. I just didn't feel like working out around the children. I did walk and do a minor bike ride last week. I believe it was ... Tuesday? It was only 3 or 4 miles if I remember correctly.

I finished work on a high note! I felt awesome. I knew I had to get back into the swing of my workouts, etc. My calorie intakes have been fine but I haven't been working out with it so I fear that I will lose momentum. I couldn't let it go another day. I hopped on my bike right after work and managed to ride just over 3 miles tonight!! It felt great!!! I just wish I could have gone further and longer.

Shortly after finishing my workout my Mom picked me up to spend some time w/ them in Vicksburg. I did eat 2 small pieces of pizza-which were yummy. I sprinkled them with hot peppers and garlic to aid in digestion. If you put them together they would equal one full slice. I was proud of myself. I didn't pig out and I felt great! If I would have had a flashlight I probably could have walked or jogged home.

I am glad to be back on track. I can't wait for Thursday's weigh in! I hope to see those last 3 lbs gone!!!! That would bring me up to a grand total of 50lbs lost! It's so exciting! Then it's just another 40lb by Christmas! I can do it! I will do it! God will grant me the determination and willpower - like HE has been the last few months! I have faith in HIM. HE has faith in me! I can do it!

I would post a before and after picture, but I think in order to see that best you should go to my friend - and inspiration - to see the blog she did on me. She says I'm one of the people that inspire her... when in fact, she inspires me. She never quits. I can't wait to see her this weekend... coming.. at the Milton Harvest Festival! It is going to be AWESOME!

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